Special prices last minute offers Friesland

Last minute offers Lemsteraken and other flatbottom yachts

Here you will find our Last-Minutes, sometimes we will have special offers or leftovers from weeks, which we offer with special conditions.

Note: * If you have already made a booking for minimum one week with us this season, you will receive an additional 10% on the last minute prices listed below.
You can check the current availability of our traditional sailor fleet online. Available charter dates and prices are listed there.

Overview Availability

Last Minute offers:

You want another period, another ship? A midweek or weekend rental?
There are may be other, not shown here, time periods and / or ships, please call us at:

Call and book: +31-58-3010533

Although we constantly update this last minute page, sometimes resulting very short term reversals spare capacity. If you have a specific period which does not appear here, just ask by phone or mail about our possibilities.

Cows at  LauwersmeerCows at Lauwersmeer

Get in touch

Last Minute Booking on a flatboat Netherland, sailing on Ijsselmeer and Waddensea. Sailing Barge holidays and cruise vacations on frisian canals and seas. Our barges offer all the comforts of home while, cruising on the water. Bare boat charter Parties with sufficient sailing experience can set off on a short or long holiday with one of our traditional Lemsteraak yachts which can be chartered without on-board crew for sailing journeys on the IJsselmeer, Wadden Sea and Frisian inland waterways. Lemsteraak verhuur Sailcharter Sneek in Friesland/Holland! Bare boat charter traditional dutch sailing boats 2-12 persons, sailing on Ijsselmeer and Waddensea.

Platbodemverhuur Friesland